So my I was going through my drobe and found a Uniqlo shirt my cousin in paris gave me a while back. So I wanted to take some time to share the amazingness of Uniqlo's clothing. They design clothing that traps heat like Nike and Underarmour do but, Uniqlo's clothing not only traps heat faster and more effectively they are cheaper,more stylish ,and loose fitting. So you don't feel trapped by the shirt your in that takes 5 mins to get off. Uniqlo has their heat tech in every thing from winter jacket to jeans and all at affordable prices. I think because of their variety in stlyes and colors they are a hit in big fashion cities like New York and Paris where the temperature also gets pretty low. I myself have couple of shirts and jackets from Uniqlo. You can buy yours online here
I love UNIQLO's clothing, they've proved really successful here in the UK and with the weather getting pretty cold their HEATTECH thermal clothing is growing more and more popular.